Methane Project

Methane and Climate Awareness and Reduction Initiative in Sabah

Energy, Infrastructure & Waste

Methane and Climate Awareness and Reduction Initiative in Sabah

Forever Sabah is embarking on a climate change initiative to understand methane and its impact on climate, build greater awareness amongst Sabah society and sectors, and explore methane abatement efforts in Sabah, identifying zero- and low-cost, as well as cost-saving opportunities.

Methane Project

Project summary

In January 2024, Forever Sabah, in partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)and the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS), embarked on a methane awareness program focusing on the oil and gas sector in Sabah. In this collaboration, our focus will be on building relationships and awareness by engaging stakeholders from private, government, academia, and civil society sectors to co-learn about methane and support on-the-ground events as well as advancing policy discourse and development in the oil and gas sector to align with the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Masterplan (SE-RAMP) 2040 and Malaysia’s Global Methane Pledge.

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